Lead Time Tips

Lead Time Tips

Posted on May 21st, 2018

OK. Pretty much everybody knows that when you build furniture for customers involved in education, Summer time is a very busy time. That bears repeating…Summer time is a VERY busy time. We try really hard every year to get orders out in time to meet your deadlines because we know how important that is. Sometimes it can be a real challenge. Here are a few things you can do to help us help you…

  1. Make sure you have assigned all your finishes like laminates, PVCs, powder coats and fabrics when you submit your order. The “Lead Time Clock” doesn’t start for your order until we have all the information we need to build it.
  2. If there are items in your order that have a long lead-time, consider splitting your order into two orders. That way you can take delivery of the first order while we work on the part that will take a bit longer.
  3. Certain types of tables can ship pretty quickly, like our Rockford, Derby and Stellar tables. Consider these great tables for your project.
  4. When it comes to bookcases, high-pressure laminate bookcases take a bit longer than veneer or melamine bookcases. Believe it or not, opting for steel shelves in your bookcases can also get your products out the door a little bit quicker.

Of course, not everyone can take advantage of every one of these suggestions, but every little bit can help. Rest assured, we’re already working at full steam up here to make your Summer a big success!